God is with you!
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (NIV)
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (NIV)
Arise and shine, dear one! God is with you!
Joshua 1:9 has become a verse treasured by my family and frequently quoted to remind us that whatever situation we are walking into, God is with us. When my kids are starting a new school year and they have those nervous first day of school butterflies, I quote this verse to them. When my child has had an emergency room visit from an injury and imaging scans are needed or an ambulance ride is required, I say these words over them, reminding them that God is with them wherever they go.
He’s with us in the scary times of uncertainty. He’s with us through the mundane moments of our day. He’s with us when we mourn, when we have nowhere else to turn and can’t see what He’s doing or why. He’s with us, celebrating the steps of faith we take when we obey His Word. He’s with us when we fail, or when life doesn’t work out the way we thought. He’s with us in our last breaths on this Earth, and He’ll welcome us into Glory one day!
This verse is found in the beginning of the book of Joshua. Moses has now died, and it will be Joshua leading the people into the Promised Land. Joshua, along with Caleb, were two of the twelve spies that went into the land 40 years prior, scouting it out. They were the only ones to believe that with God they could take the land and now they are the only two remaining from that generation of people to now enter the land. Moses had faithfully led the people through 40 years of waiting in the wilderness for that generation to pass away as punishment for their lack of faith and disobedience.
Now it was time. It was Joshua’s turn to carry that mantle of leadership into taking the land God had promised in his covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This wasn’t a simple walk into the land, build a house, plant some crops, and enjoy your new home. There were people groups occupying the land that would need to be driven out over time, according to God’s specific directions. They would need strength and courage to take the land.
As God commissions Joshua, he repeatedly encourages him to be strong and courageous, reminding Joshua that he is not alone. He doesn’t need to fear. The Lord his God would be with him wherever he would go, just has He had been with Moses.
Whatever moments you find yourself in today, remember that God is with you! Be strong and courageous! You don’t need to live in fear or discouragement. God is with you wherever you go.
What situations are you facing today that you need to remember that God is with you?
Is God speaking anything to your heart right now as you meditate on His Word? Cling to His promises, dear one!